At this month's Greater Odenville Chamber of Commerce, we had the privilege of hearing our St. Clair County High School Football Coach, Tyler Robinson, speak. It was so great to know that our students are in such good hands as he leads these players into not only a success football season, but as he leads them into being great leaders as they grow and mature!
Coach Robinson is pictured here with GOCC Board Members: Todd Seay, Jaxon Phillips, Dona Bonnett, Paul Perry, Bob Powell, Eric Pearson, Megan Graham, Candice Hill and Pat Shipp.

APC Grant Information
Among the community announcements, Jasmine Sledge with Alabama Power reminded everyone of an Alabama Power School Grant Available for Title 1 Schools:
The Alabama Power Foundation offers Title I schools in our communities opportunities to apply for various grants throughout the year. These schools must have a free or reduced lunch status of at 50% or more.
One in particular is the Power to Play grant which is designated for athletics, music, and fine arts. This grant is up to $2500.
The grant cycle opened on July 29, 2024 and will close on August 23, 2024. Please click on the link below for more details:
Power to Play Grants | Alabama Power Foundation | The Power of Good []
If you scroll to the bottom of the page, you will see how the Power of Play Grant can be used for artistic reasons.
The other two grants available are the Scholar Grant (grades 2-8) and the Champion Grant (grades 9-11). These are centered around STEM. The Scholar Grant is focused on math and English and the Champion is focused on math and science. A group of teachers (two or more) must apply. These grants are up to $7500.
These grants opened on August 5, 2024 and will close on September 6, 2024. [] []
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Jasmine V Sledge
Community Development Specialist
APC Birmingham Division
Cell: 205-518-2146
Ofc: 205-226-1651